Soak up salts of the earth

While the power shower that I spoke about previously is a great way to ground yourself, there’s something special about a beautiful bath ritual and its ability to simultaneously soak away stress, cleanse our field and allow healing energy to penetrate deeply.

We know the benefit of adding electrolytes to our drinking water after a workout, the best way, however, to absorb some of the most important minerals for grounding us and regulating our nervous system is, in fact, through our skin.



This is probably the most commonly known one, used in flotation therapy to speed up the healing of muscle pain and other injury. Epsom salt baths are also found to improve sleep, so adding them to your evening bath (or your children’s) is a beautiful way to wind down for the night and ensure you get quality zzzz’z.


Recognisable by its flakes, this form of magnesium is also a beautiful way to relieve stress and achy muscles and joints, and treat the skin while you’re at it. Adding these salts to the bath of highly sensitive children is a great way to calm their systems.

Note: These salts can make the skin tingle a bit, which is apparently a sign of low magnesium levels in the body. The flakes also absorb water rapidly, so store them in a well-sealed container, or use them abundantly (preferred option).


While the previously mentioned salts specifically boost magnesium levels, sea salt adds a host of other minerals our body needs, like potassium, zinc and iron.


With its high levels of bromide and magnesium, dead sea salt is highly anti-inflammatory and is good salt to add to your bath if you suffer from skin conditions like acne, psoriasis or if you suffer from arthritis.

Photograph: Colwyn Murphy


These salts are a standard in our cupboard to use in combination with Epsom salts. These mineral-rich salts just exude Mother Earth love with their rose-quartz hues. They are detoxifying, skin nourishing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial (perfect for post-birth healing). It is said that bathing in Himalayan salts is like recharging your batteries. I don’t know about you, but we’d rather do that than have to call in a technician.

sacred space

Make your bath a sacred experience. Add crystals, light candles and incense or add any essential oils you feel drawn to. As you are running the bath, pour the salts in liberally, and say:

“With these salts I honour my body.”

Then as you soak, visualise your cells being nourished and recharged. Just breathe in the steam and aromas, and exhale any tension or worries.


Magnesium sulfate is used intravenously to prevent seizures in severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, or toxemia of pregnancy. Having your magnesium levels checked during your pregnancy is advisable and adding the natural salts to your bath in the final trimester is an easier way to keep your levels optimal. Healthy levels will also prevent anxiety, constipation and help with insomnia, which many women believe are normal “symptoms” of pregnancy.

Optimal levels will support smooth muscle contractions without cramping (one of the reasons women find birth painful) during your birth. If you are at risk of pre-term labour, however, please speak to your care provider before supplementing with magnesium.

After birth, some midwives recommend to add up to 1kg of the salts to your bath to replenish magnesium levels depleted by the birth… a beautiful soothing way to nourish yourself as a new mother.

Magnesium supplementation after birth will help with mood regulation and the body’s stress levels and, as a result, breast milk production.


Magnesium-rich salt baths for to boost your magnesium levels for 3 to 6 months before falling pregnant will help detox your system and reduce morning sickness.


honour your nest


Power Shower