Taking Stock
The only time broth is not a staple in our kitchen is during summer, and even then I kick myself for not making it because quinoa cooked without it is just not the same. By itself, it’s gut-restoring, heart-warming gold, but I use it as a base for every soup I make knowing I’ll be nourishing everyone deeply. Some people like to make it with uncooked chicken. I prefer to use the bones of last night’s roast (waste not, want not) and let them simmer away for a day with all the other lovely ingredients listed below…
Note: When possible, use organic, free-range chickens for this as we are drawing precious minerals out of the bones. We are making medicine here and hormone-, antibiotic- and heavy metal-filled liquid is not what we’re after.
Bones of last night’s (organic, free-range) roast chicken
Half an onion.
A few cloves of garlic
Two carrots, roughly chopped
A few sticks of celery
A handful of parsley
A few peppercorns
A few bay leaves
A dash of apple cider vinegar
Cover with filtered water in a large pot and leave to simmer for the day while you do other important mom business. Use as the stock for any soup you’re making, or add extra nutrients and flavour when cooking grains or, my favourite, kitchari. Freeze whatever you’re not using immediately.