The Meditation Room

Welcome to the Mother Earthed Meditation Room, a clear space to ground yourself, align and embody the energy of your highest self as we move through 2020 and beyond…

Meditation can be overwhelming. Trust me, I know. When I was five a psychologist gave my mother a guided meditation to try and focus her wild child. No one, however, showed my mother how to do it, and it was a two-page document that I would never have been able to sit through. The script ended up in a drawer somewhere and I carried on biting my nails to the bone for another 30 years… I am pleased to say that my nails are very much in tact these days.

That missed meditation opportunity happened for good reason though, I would meet meditation when the time was right. And when I did, I would appreciate it deeply. I am not a guru or a master. Can anyone really call themselves that? I remain simply dedicated to learning and unlearning and evolving. As such, I like to keep this space lighthearted and fun and not get too tangled up in leg positions. This is all about meeting yourself where you’re at.

why do it?

“Meditation is not a discipline imposed from above; it comes from the ground up.” - Lorin Roche.

Let go of the idea that you sit there and the answers are just going to pour in. In the grounding, in the process of connecting to the energy of the earth and creating that channel of communication and clearing what energy no longer serves you you create the space for divine messages to come in… for birth to occur.

what do i need?

Nothing, just you, comfortable clothes and a peaceful space to do it.

You don’t need to sit in any particular way. If you are pregnant p[ease only lie on your back if you are propped up. Otherwise lie on your side or sit up comfortably.

You don’t need to concentrate,

Unless we do specific breathwork and I ask you to, you don’t need to breathe in any particular way. Just breathe naturally and normally.

What can I expect?

Finding that solutions to problems occupying your thoughts come to you without effort
Inner peace
Tingling in body
Dreamlike images
Heightened sense of taste, smell and colours may seem more vivid
Increased alertness and energy
You may notice discomfort at chakra points. If it is mild then allow that energy to move through. If it is intense then please stop and if it recurs please see a medical professional.
If intense emotions come up that you feel are traumatic, please stop and let me know.

Releasing tension in meditation means that your sleep hours will be more restful and healing.

Free Guided Meditations

Some videos are done live on Mother Earthed IGTV so follow there, or subscribe to the Mother Earthed YouTube channel for more.

Heart to Heart

Tune Into Your Truth

The Daily Ground

Healing meditation for mother africa

Heart Centered healing -