about colwyn
Originally a magazine writer and editor, becoming a mother in 2010 transformed the way Colwyn saw the world. Her longing to be a mother had been all-consuming, so spiralling into depression during that first year was not what she’d envisioned. To say that this began a series of awakenings, however, would be an understatement.
An incredible HypnoBirth with her second daughter, training as a practitioner and then birthing her son in a beautiful home birth were pivotal moments in her ongoing study of life, birth, the creative process and how we live and evolve on this Earth.
In May 2018, Mother Earthed was born. She's ME, she's you, she's every mother who is honoured and supported in finding a way to go forward that is sustainable.
The foundation of Colwyn’s work is the awareness that people don’t need to be told what to do, they simply need to remember how to plug into their intuition and personal power source, all wires connected, fully charged.
A storyteller at heart, she wants to see you write your own stories of healing, birth and life.
My Approach
During my honours year at Journalism school (a hundred years ago, in 2001) I was asked to come up with a creative business concept. I called it Quintessential Design.
Quintessence meaning: The purest essence of a thing.
It is easy, if taking this concept at face value, to believe there is one perfect way to be… to birth, to mother. Anyone who has worked with me, however, will know that I never tell anyone how they should birth. My wish is for you to remember. A divine reconnection with your own essence…